Buffalo Hump saw what Slow Tree saw, but he did not intend to let the whites control him.
We whites control the light, you know.
The 5 million whites control the economy and maintain separate districts, schools and health services.
"Everyone knows whites can't control their passions and are invincibly cruel at heart, especially to their benefactors."
Later, wealthy, whites and light-skinned Haitians controlled the government.
That issue resonates in South Africa and Namibia, where whites control most of the land.
Until integration, whites controlled all the towns, except for Mound Bayou and Winstonville, which were all black.
Obviously, it's not enough that whites control virtually every phase of sports, from the grounds crew to ownership and most of what can be found in between.
The South became a one-party region, and whites controlled all Congressional representation allocated for the full population, although in many areas, the majority could not vote.
Since the American Civil War, whites controlled economic and political power in Hale County.