Additionally, Brother Cream has a partner, a female cat that has black and white coloring.
Although the gold leaf that once adorned the background has faded completely bare, the writing itself still retains its white coloring.
As its common name implies, it is characterized by the white coloring of its stem.
In walked a curious person of mottled red and white coloring.
In addition to the white coloring, black edging outlines each fin with varying thickness.
The white coloring on a calico is from a separate gene unrelated to the orange or black genes.
Hitler was responsible for its red, white and black coloring.
Cremello was thought by some to be a lethal white or albino coloring and a potential genetic defect.
With its blue, green, black and white coloring, it is quite unusual looking.
Southern populations also have brown "shadow" stripes between the black and white coloring.