The red, white, and blue color scheme was like a tone poem to Americana.
Many plates featured a white and blue color scheme.
The change marks a return to the red, white, and blue color scheme originally used from 1974 to 1995.
It asked a federal judge to forbid him to, among other things, use the university's "famous crimson and white color scheme."
Most of the vehicles have a white, silver, grey and dark blue color scheme.
They are dressed the same as that world's Superman, featuring a black, white and red color scheme.
The gum was packaged in a red, white, and blue color scheme.
The nationalistic red and white color scheme was no longer used ever since.
The ship was repainted in a blue and white color scheme.
The team switched to its current black, red, and white color scheme over the course of the 1998 and 1999 seasons.