DeVore reached into the breast pocket of his one-piece and took out something small and flat and round, its white casing like a lady's compact.
It is speculated the case color change is to improve contrast ratio perception further, as some users found the prior white casing highlighted that the E Ink background is light gray and not white.
Its furious sulfur emission clouds had gently drizzled down, staining their metallic- white casings with a thin film of dirty amber colloid which dribbled round the exterior to drip from the belly.
The otherworldly fauna include giant clams and fields of tube worms; the white casings where the worms live are up to 10 feet long.
His legs, in their white casing, were long and elegant.
It was rumored that part of the reason behind the embarrassingly long delay of the white iPhone 4 was due to issues with the flash and camera not working well with the white casing.
Lee was already removing a white casing from a storage space on the rear bulkhead.
The unit, made by Griffin, is oblong, measures 1ft 2in by 2in by 2in and has an orange and white casing.
It's unknown whether Apple will keep the white casing or go with a silver version Think Secret sources spied in January.
Particularly visible are the Canon super telephoto lenses, whose distinctive white casing (to dissipate the sun's heat) is recognizable at many sporting events.