Padding silently across the thick, white carpeting, he leaned against a sill and stared for a long time down at the world of Caern.
He walked barefoot across the white carpeting.
There was a guard station in a modern setting of black enamel, chrome and white carpeting.
After a long silence, the door surrendered and opened to him over a field of white plush carpeting.
His home is lined with pristine white carpeting, and he has always been particularly sensitive to smells.
The murky shade was a foil for fluffy white carpeting and a red-and-white pattern chintz, right.
A huge living area with white carpeting formed the other half of the loft.
Gengai led them through a narrow hallway plush with white carpeting.
He sliced middle management jobs, fired the chief executive and scattered cigarette butts and ashes on the white carpeting in the executive suite.
Bobby's footprints were still visible on the white carpeting.