The white and black branches of the Striggles family did occasionally have contact more recently in rural Georgia.
Opening his eyes, he looked up to see white branches, like frozen lightning, gently touching down at points in the nearby hills.
It is a leafless perennial shrub with dense white and green branches up to 1m long.
They believed it every time they traced the black and white branches of their own family trees.
Ultimately, North American Pentecostalism would divide into white and black branches.
He stared at the white branches, not seeing them, and not really thinking; just letting things turn over in the back of his mind.
You will find what is left of my kills by the tree with the white branch at the far end of the field.
At 1158, the owner has put some tasteful ribbons on evergreens, set up two wooden deer and built a little wall of white branches.
A forest of white branches was rising around the ship, as if the river was draining away from trees drowned an age past.
Left on the stage, the leaves suggest an autumn of decay as black-clad dancers enter with bare white branches.