They stood there motionless for a few seconds, craning forward somewhat and displaying the great white bosoms of their shirt fronts.
Her hand was pressed upon her heart, and her white bosom heaved beneath it.
She leaned forward and her gown slipped, revealing her white bosom.
The sweep of white bosom would be covered by her pelisse.
'In her excellent white bosom, these, &c.' Queen.
She was far from those flowers of white heaving bosoms and sensibility he had known in London or.
She was walking slowly into the gallery between two men, both tall: a dark blue dress, a black velvet band around her throat, splendid white bosom.
Course," whispered Toby, his bulging green eyes riveted to her delightful expanse of white bosom.
His gaze was fixed on the curve of her white bosom.
He took a deep breath; I could see the white bosom of his shirt rise with his sxvc1ling chest.