Kaplan shows up looking sharp in a white blazer and white pants.
Adam stepped up to the counter and faced a young man nattily dressed in a white blazer.
The personnel were all dressed like the man at the registration desk, in white blazers and black slacks.
Drivers who entered the club by setting an overall Darlington track record, however, received the more prestigious white blazer.
Green, white and black striped blazers are worn in terms 2 and 3.
However, traditions such as the elusive white blazer no longer pertain to the school dress code.
There's this white blazer with these thick purple stripes, and I take it off the hanger.
They also wear a blue and white broadly striped blazer with the club insignia on the chest pocket.
A man in a blue and white blazer addressed my brother, full of strange tidings.
The letter "H" on the breast pocket of a seedy white blazer must stand for "how high?"