Old Salome, her distaff under her arm, approached him and stood on tiptoe to whisper secretly in his ear.
Around Gatlin the corn rustled and whispered secretly.
A house in which a man seemed to be hiding-a man who whispered secretly of guns-was not a place near which she wanted to linger.
There were fourteen, sixteen hour days and some delegates may have secretly whispered the prayer ascribed to President Roosevelt: "O Lord, make Eleanor tired!"
Other races might secretly whisper the name of the tavern, but only a Klingon would be insulting enough to display it in public.
Yet it began to be whispered secretly that he was dying.
"I don't mean that," said Celalta, still whispering urgently and secretly.
Don't worry, the Immortal whispered secretly to him.
In response to criticism, ibn Baz condemned those who "whisper secretly in their meetings and record their poison over cassettes distributed to the people."
"Come on," he whispered secretly.