The glaring energy beam shot into the whirling dusty darkness with a hiss that made the dead outside mike of their helmets reverberate.
The face of the waters on which moved the spirit of Almighty God, when the earth was but a whirling and chaotic darkness!
Bending forward, dizzy, filled with a whirling darkness, shaking violently, she leaned with both hands on the back of the big leather arm- chair.
Something hit my head in the whirling darkness.
One of the phaerimm even tried to break into the shaft He lost two arms to the whirling darkness.
A whirling darkness enveloped the two young women.
Beatrix popped out into the night from her whirling darkness near the main road through Hounslow Heath.
Julien gathered the whirling darkness around him and transported himself down into the courtyard.
It gathered about him slowly, a whirling darkness.
They both looked into the whirling grey darkness down the slope and Rohde felt an empty sensation in the pit of his stomach.