The pain in my side screamed louder as the room whirled faster, and then the light and I spun away together.
Had he stabbed them, the two scouts could not have whirled faster.
Images whirled in his brain faster and faster.
It whirled faster and faster, throwing out long streamers down toward the horizon.
The plain under Blade's feet whirled faster and faster.
The ride whirled faster and faster, then started to reverse course, witnesses said.
Spork whirled faster and faster as he turned around in circles.
Finally he began to move more quickly, and the excitement that had been growing and spiraling inside Cassandra whirled ever faster.
But she whirled faster and faster, the fifth veil coming loose, spinning aside to fall over the king's face.
They whirled faster and faster, and Lwaxana's eyes were wide.