Swann's poetry consists largely of short, whimsical pieces evoking a naive innocence.
Later in Montague's career, his whimsical pieces were often carried by the Bell Syndicate.
It is the most whimsical piece by the poet, but the illustrations make it even more endearing.
For instance, a whimsical piece played on a toy piano now comes before the moodier strains.
Sotheby's has five of his most whimsical pieces in its 20th-century design auction on Thursday.
This whimsical piece consists of a large, amethyst-colored glass "bag" with two small bags, rose and turquoise, bursting from each side ($2,000).
The show also has lighthearted, whimsical pieces.
His work has become identified with quirky, whimsical, oversize pieces that take on personalities of their own.
Considered the first celebrity jeweler, he was well known for important jewelry, and as an early proponent of whimsical pieces.
This whimsical piece reveals more about the writer than about Bond, who is merely an imaginary character after all.