Each side is able to claim the high ground and blame the other for blocking progress, all the while maintaining a comfortable status quo.
It is heartening to see the Long Island businesses pull together during tough times, all the while maintaining an overall positive outlook.
I wish I knew him: he is classy, to the point and so elegant, all the while maintaining a sense of being real.
Reflection gradually grew more aggressive in her sucking and fondling, all the while maintaining the 'fearful' eye contact with him.
The conductor solved the problem through repeated discussions with technicians behind him, all the while maintaining the beat.
He worked 18 hours a day, all the while maintaining complete confidentiality about the film.
On some occasions, Pete has even played a sympathetic character, all the while maintaining his underlying menacing nature.
He swallowed several times, all the while maintaining a politely attentive smile on his face.
Feeney was the biggest charitable donor in American history up to that point, all the while maintaining his anonymity.
However, successive French governments had failed to appropriate the funds required, all the while maintaining their desire to do so.