The newsreel records that the bomber's wheels lifted from the ground 24 hours and 48 minutes after construction began.
When I stood on the end of the gate, the rear wheels of the trailer lifted and my end settled slowly to the ground.
And even then, the wheel did not lift enough to be considered a rollover risk.
On the 2003 4Runner, the test in which the front wheel lifted a bit was at the lowest speed, 35 m.p.h.
The big car didn't strike the curb, but its wheels lifted as though it had, because of the sudden veer it took.
Astonished witnesses swore later that the wheels on the right side of the car lifted five feet from the ground.
The inner wheels didn't lift as he expected.
The wheels lifted and the craft cleared the first fence and then shot skyward.
On the uphill leg, the traction control maintained momentum in the softest sand, even when a wheel lifted clear.
Will was showing off a bit; turning so that the right wheels lifted away from the road for a moment or so.