A hunk of iron shattered his kneecap and a wheel housing crushed his toes.
The man leaned against the wheel housing, then suddenly looked down at Gilbenstock in a way that was almost friendly.
Behind them, a pipe burst in a wheel housing.
'95 models can also be identified by an additional turn-signal lamp aft of the front wheel housing.
For November 1964, the rear wheel housings became larger.
For example, covers over the wheel housings smooth the airflow and reduce drag.
This envelope is then compared with the wheel housing and other components in the area to perform an interference/collision analysis.
The rear wheel housings do intrude, and that is unfortunate.
The wheel was sprung and had its own wheel housing, separate from the internal fuselage space.
The engine framework with the driving wheel housing is outside the wheel disks of the driving wheels.