In addition, a decline in wheat sales, because of last year's drought, is likely to be countered by sales from this year's harvest.
On every side, President Bush's decision to subsidize wheat sales to the Soviet Union has ignited heated criticism.
It would hurt wheat sales in Kansas, that's true.
Today, China completed the purchase of 500,000 metric tons of wheat under a program that subsidizes wheat sales.
Hornung has grown to dominate wheat sales at $1.50 a bushel.
The second largest crop commodity is barley, bringing in $32 million and $31 million for wheat sales.
There were reports earlier in the week that the European Community is heavily subsidizing wheat sales.
On April 30, 1987, the United States began subsidizing wheat sales to the Soviet Union.
Since 1986, more than 80 percent of the money in one program has been spent to subsidize wheat sales.
In the 1960s, he led delegations to the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China to negotiate wheat sales to those countries.