Nigeria, once the second largest importer of American wheat, says it is banning all wheat imports.
Officials attributed the increase to costlier oil and wheat imports and the loss of a 500,000-ton phosphoric acid contract with India.
China's wheat imports in 1988-89 are expected to surpass 15.3 million tons.
In fact, officials concede, the rapid growth of Egypt's population will make it impossible for the country to reduce wheat imports.
We will have to consider diversifying our sources of cattle feed and wheat imports from the United States.
Midwestern farm state legislators were concerned about Canadian wheat imports.
The current American tariff on wheat imports is 7 percent.
Egypt's geography and population size have led to their dependence on international wheat imports.
His economy is failing and poor harvests have again raised the prospect that Syria will require expensive wheat imports.
It was the collapse of state subsidies for wheat imports that triggered the riots.