Refreshed by a brief stop in beautiful Glacier Valley, we were ready for marine life, cruising the Kenai Fjords to spot whales, dolphins and prolific bird colonies.
The area was a wide variety of fauna including whales, dolphins and manta rays that can be seen off the coast depending on the season.
And apart from the prominent threats to whales, dolphins and giant pandas, many other species are also disappearing at alarming rates.
Ships in the passage are often good platforms for the sighting of whales, dolphins and plentiful seabirds including giant petrels, other petrels, albatrosses and penguins.
On the other hand, there are many mammal species, mostly sea mammals such as whales, dolphins and sea lions.
The Oceanic Society offers expeditions to research sea birds and marine mammals including whales, dolphins and sea turtles worldwide, from the Amazon basin to Monterey Bay.
It followed a campaign by environmental groups, who blamed drift-netting for causing the unintended deaths of whales, dolphins and sea birds.
They are training sea lions to do lengthy dives in the open ocean on command, and to take movies while underwater of whales, dolphins and other species that are exceptionally difficult to study by conventional means.
Scientists spotted large numbers of whales, dolphins and other animals near the sound source, whether it was on or off.
The ocean waters off British Columbia are rich in nutrients, and provide crucial feeding grounds for humpback whales, orcas, dolphins and sea lions.