Near Port d'Alcúdia on the northeast coast, these wetlands cover around 4,200 acres and are great for birdwatching, cycling and walking.
While wetlands only cover around 5% of the Conterminous United States's land surface, they support 31% of the plant species.
Water bodies and wetlands cover about 9.8% of the total watershed area.
The area is not entirely a glade, but a bog or wetland covered with all sorts of decaying vegetation.
They flow east into Caddo Lake and the adjoining wetlands cover the rim and islands of the lake.
The wetland covers approximately 6 hectares of land previously part of Urrbrae Agricultural High School.
This coastal wetland is a Ramsar site and covers an area of 5.2 km2.
Lakes and ponds cover almost a quarter of the area, and wetlands cover most of it.
The wetlands cover 125 square kilometers, and include salt marshes and salt meadows, as well as sewage farms and settling ponds.
The ultimate goal of the NPS is to have the site appear as it originally would have, with native plants and wetlands covering the area.