But the shock occupied Western thinkers for years to come.
He also argued that many influential western thinkers on rights were guided by Chinese ideas.
Sailen has been influenced by several western thinkers in the long course of his intellectual growth.
Promises of a perfect world lured many Western thinkers and millions of others besides.
Aristotle was one of the most revered Western thinkers in early Islamic theology.
It remains true, however, that the Greeks see the cross within the context of the incarnation perhaps more so than most Western thinkers.
The Greek philosophers were the earliest Western thinkers to address chance and randomness.
Plato allegory of the cave influenced western thinkers who believe that happiness is found by finding deeper meaning.
Comparative study on concept of interest (maslahat) from the viewpoint of Islamic and western thinkers.
Intellectually, he admires the skepticism of Western thinkers; it is one of the elements that attracted him to study them.