It lies amidst the western outer ramparts of the immense walled plain Schrödinger.
Sharpe, still on the western ramparts, cupped his hands and screamed toward Cochrane's men.
Instead he tapped the knife against the western ramparts that overlooked the Cauvery's smaller channel.
In 1967, further excavations found the western rampart.
In early May cannon were deployed to make a substantial breach in the western ramparts.
Conn glanced across towards the western ramparts and saw two men signalling.
One door opens to the north, to the inner part of the castle; The other door leads to the western rampart.
Some fifty yards from the western rampart, they set their gear down behind a thorn apple tree.
It is now located in the fort on its western ramparts between two bastions.
They became the seigneurs of Vierzon and the city developed within the western ramparts of the castle.