It is located near the western extreme of the Oceanus Procellarum, close to the western lunar limb.
The western extreme is approximately 116 W, on the far side of the Moon.
The few remnants of the original fortress occupy the western extreme of the hill.
It is at the western extreme of the frontline garden displays.
Plaza 7 is a small plaza at the western extreme of the site core, to the west of Plazas 5 and 6.
There are three methods for reckoning the eastern and western extremes of the United States.
The waters at the western extreme of the Algarve were all that was known to sailors.
Structure 5C-52 delimits the western extreme of the Mundo Perdido.
In the far western extremes of the city, State Route 111, a two-lane road, runs through the developing rural area along the foothills.
Platform A6 encloses the western extreme of the Group A plaza.