He was well known for opening many harbors in towns of western Michigan to be able to transport his lumber.
General Clark's campaign is using the Internet to encourage rural voters in northern and western Michigan to vote online.
Corey Lake is a small, inland lake in south western Michigan.
By the early 20th century, the fruit belt of northwest and western Michigan was producing more than 50 commercial varieties of apples, authorities say.
There are also several outlying populations farther west in western Michigan.
Every year, an estimated 45,000 of these men and women, nearly all originally from Mexico, spend one to six months in western Michigan.
The outbreak ended across western Michigan during the late afternoon.
Prevailing westerly winds tend to move the surface water toward the east, producing a moderating effect on the climate of western Michigan.
Grand Rapids is a large city in western Michigan, United States.
Kimberly Parmer, 33, who works as a human resources manager in western Michigan, said the emphasis on national security issues had distorted the campaign.