The Biscoe Islands were discovered off the west coast of Graham Land in February 1832, during his Antarctic circumnavigation aboard Tula and Lively.
It is situated close north of the head of Neny Glacier on the west coast of Graham Land.
Cape Evensen is a cape forming the north side of the entrance to Auvert Bay, on the west coast of Graham Land.
Barry Island is an island lying in the centre of the Debenham Islands, off the west coast of Graham Land.
The Debenham Islands are a group of islands and rocks lying between Millerand Island and the west coast of Graham Land.
In 1959 the Lawrie Glacier on the west coast of Graham Land in Antarctica was officially named.
Forbes Glacier is a glacier which flows west into the northeast corner of Square Bay, on the west coast of Graham Land, Antarctica.
The archipelago extends from Bismarck Strait southwest to Lumus Rock, off the west coast of Graham Land.
Bancroft Bay is a bay lying between Charlotte Bay and Wilhelmina Bay, along the west coast of Graham Land.
Cape Bellue is a headland which forms the north side of the entrance to Darbel Bay, on the west coast of Graham Land, Antarctica.