Frequent on-site monitoring is necessary, as is the employment of skilled and well-trained personnel.
Animal shows require well-trained personnel for animal handling, training, and upkeep.
This company has more than two hundred highly educated and well-trained personnel, providing an inexpensive long-distance work force.
It was incomprehensible to him why supposedly well-trained personnel had descended to such tactics, poisoning his reunion with his son.
Many countries lack modern aviation systems, including up-to-date radar equipment, close government scrutiny of airlines and well-trained personnel.
Arts education can be effective only if we bring in well-trained personnel and give them the environment in which to succeed.
Such losses were minimized because your Navy was ready with exceptionally well-equipped and well-trained personnel.
This increased the number of rowers per ship, and also made it possible to use less well-trained personnel for moving these new ships.
A shortage of well-trained enlisted personnel became a serious problem for the army as it adopted increasingly complex weapons systems.
We need sustainable development based on high-quality industry and well-trained personnel - the sort of long-term model which is currently serving Germany so well in stringent economic times.