Recently, the architectural tree caught the well-trained eye of Neil Hendrickson as he walked the property.
I don't like the fine, well-trained eye of the doctor evaluating my condition and telling me not to eat "deli" or "Chinese."
Who knows what their artifacts might offer up to the well-trained eye.
Heskit inspected their work with a well-trained professional eye.
There were more decisive details to a fairly well-trained eye.
To the well-trained eyes of the waiters the man looked a lot more prosperous than his automobile suggested.
A well-trained eye can tell the month and the hour by the slant of light - but not, I think, the year.
In fact, to my well-trained eyes, the differences are glaring and numerous.
At almost exactly head-height, the archer had been very efficient, with a well-trained eye.
To the well-trained eye, it wasn't difficult to see he was special.