In Western India there was a need for well-trained doctors as well as a general hospital for the natives.
While everyone wants first-rate medical care from sophisticated practitioners, nearly everyone understands that only well-trained doctors can provide such care.
The role of an intelligent, well-trained, compassionate doctor who can effectively function as a "patient navigator" through our complex medical system is especially important.
To the Editor: Why do well-trained and well-meaning doctors suggest angioplasty and stents (front page, March 21)?
They will have to encourage the dissemination of the current knowledge that allows well-trained doctors to bring almost all pain under control.
This is to ensure development of educational programs with the ultimate aim of producing well-trained doctors, medical specialists, nurses and other health practitioners.
As a result, although Argentina still has a high ratio of well-trained doctors to patients, many basic health needs go unmet.
Mr President, in the EU we have an expanding need for well-trained committed doctors, nurses, therapists and technicians.
It is widely agreed that acupuncture treatment is safe when done by well-trained doctors using clean needles.
But that is often impossible in the third world, where well-trained doctors are scarce.