A 'flintlock tinder lighter', or 'tinder pistol', was a device that saw use in well-to-do households from the 18th Century until the invention of reliable matches.
That was a well-to-do household the wooer had come to.
A gallery is helpfully devoted to a room arrangement reflecting that of a well-to-do Dutch household, with paintings, furniture, carpets and objects for decoration and use.
NOTE: The "virtuous woman" poem has been used by social historians to paint a word picture of a well-to-do household in ancient Israel.
Burns was brought up in a well-to-do household.
She was one of four children who grew up in a well-to-do rural household.
Even better, the next generation of commonplace consumer goods will consist of the luxuries only a handful of well-to-do households can afford today.
The exhibition includes a number of fine bronze figurines and the sort of elaborately designed bronze mirror that was standard in well-to-do households.
Elisa realised that she had stumbled, almost literally, into a very well-to-do household.
Naturally, I was no stranger to wine, having been brought up in a well-to-do household, but at home my consumption was invariably quite modest.