I loved it so much I still have the very yellowed, well-thumbed little book to this day.
The future is not a well-thumbed leather-bound book read before a cozy glowing fireplace.
She opened the cover of the well-thumbed book, turning the pages until she reached the last one with entries on it.
He paused, looking at the well-thumbed book.
Chimal picked up the well-thumbed and grease-stained book and flipped through it.
The sound of children playing, the musty scent of well-thumbed books, filled her with nostalgia.
He screwed up the paper and hurled it to the floor, then went into the bedroom and took the well-thumbed book from its hiding place.
When he got back to the trailer the two boys were sitting on their pile of blankets flicking through well-thumbed comic books.
Without that, she said, reading from her well-thumbed book, "order, freedom, and justice fall into ruin."
One whole shelf was occupied by well-thumbed books on combat, weaponry, battles and campaigns.