He looked around the room with a proprietary smile, like a storekeeper admiring well-stocked shelves.
He knew what I was talking about, not surprising considering the contents of his well-stocked shelves.
The well-stocked shelves require a substantial investment in inventory.
We passed by a kitchen with well-stocked open shelves and a chore wheel.
Wherever she looked, the well-stocked shelves were virtually devoid of books by black authors or about black people and the black experience.
The strangers roam through the store, obviously fascinated by the well-stocked shelves.
Visitors are encouraged to take a book from the well-stocked shelves and sit down in comfort and read it.
The two ladies were sitting in the library each occupied with a book chosen from the well-stocked shelves.
The obvious lacuna along this well-stocked shelf is an account of his early years as a painter, before he left for Paris in 1921.
She left him and went to her stillroom to review every item on the well-stocked shelves.