There, she married R. David, a member of a well-respected family in the region.
She also comes from a well-respected family and uses this against Tiaan.
He comes from a well-respected family and was a scribe to a merchant but his father had him moved to the manufactory.
Both of Hidalgo's parents were descended from well-respected families within the creole community.
The Gujadhur family is a well-known and a well-respected family in Mauritius.
Born in Boston, Massachusetts, Bynoe came from a well-respected family.
Xi'an Chi Xan was born into a well-respected family.
Riel was the eldest of eleven children in a locally well-respected family.
He was born in Bohemia, now part of the Czech Republic, to a well-respected musical family.
Doneau, who was born into a well-respected family, studied law in Toulouse and Bourges.