International schools hire some experienced and well-qualified non-EU teachers.
The professional staff is headed by a career international school administrator, who joined the school in 2006, and boasts well-qualified teachers from ten different countries.
To pass all the Regents examinations, they need well-qualified teachers in every grade.
You may find yourself in an established language school with a well-designed language course and well-qualified teachers.
She also praised the law for drawing attention to achievement gaps and for the right of all children to well-qualified teachers.
Obviously, Higher Standards require well-qualified teachers, and it is for this reason that 39 states have adopted basic skills tests for new faculty.
In the early days, most of the teaching staff was British, but later the school began to employ well-qualified Indian teachers.
The Schools are managed by 35 well-qualified and trained teachers with absolute devotion to the national cause, imparting education to about 1500 children.
Let's put a well-paid, well-qualified teacher in every classroom.
A number of excellent and well-qualified teachers and assistants came from time to time, as Loughridge wanted the best staff for the school.