As a college, we have to be ready to accept and educate more well-prepared students.
The report said that he talked bluntly about the importance of taking in well-prepared students, and printed excerpts from the interview with expletives deleted.
Eleventh and Twelfth grade English are each offered with an AP option for well-prepared students intending to sit the national exams in Language and Literature.
I said, 'When she was younger, did she rock back and forth or try to hurt herseIP' He smiled like a well-prepared student.
"We think this will give us a pipeline of talented, well-prepared students."
I am concerned, however, about Kipp's desire not to attract too many well-prepared students.
At most schools, well-prepared incoming students would be seen as good news.
The City University of New York should stop competing for well-prepared students, since government aid programs insure that most bright students have access to a college education.
Nor would good private and public schools that are not now able to accept all students who apply be likely to admit less well-prepared students.
For the longer term, rising wages can guide counselors to encourage well-prepared students to major in computer science and engineering, and colleges will adjust to rising demand.