In the world according to Reich, even well-paid American workers have now joined the "anxious classes."
He built a little model village with a colony of well-paid workers who are all sworn to keep their mouths shut.
Victims are going to be concentrated among reasonably well-paid industrial workers and their communities.
They'd probably hire the same companies now providing well-trained, well-paid workers to those overseas airports.
Additionally, these workshops were known for producing high quality products and employing highly skilled, well-paid workers.
The broad nature of the recession has also caused joblessness to rise among even highly educated, well-paid workers.
German law requires, for example, that representatives of Daimler's well-paid workers sit as members of its corporate board.
These well-paid workers generate additional jobs and tax revenue with their spending on housing, cars, clothes, restaurants and other services.
Yet most well-paid workers have continued to receive raises.
Suddenly the recently well-paid workers found themselves scrambling for minimum-wage jobs as bills mounted.