It must have throbbed into the night sky over town with such force that even now, I thought, some well-meaning soul must be phoning the police.
As long as the letter isn't rude, I respond to this well-meaning soul with, "Sorry the book didn't please you.
The answering service, usually staffed by well-meaning and easily intimidated souls, would then put the call through to the doctor's residence.
Ganesh is basically a well-meaning soul with the usual human flaws.
My brother Gloucester, plain well-meaning soul- Whom fair befall in heaven 'mongst happy souls!
My friends here in Venice are well-meaning souls, but they plague me with questions.
I have tried it to dissuade the well-meaning soul from enlightening me on various risks, but as other commenters have noted, it has little effect.
A good, well-meaning soul, but the brain, I should say, of a hen.
Without his groundwork, two slightly clumsy but well-meaning souls trying to spoon out happiness with a ladle may never have had their forum.
So far they're just a few misguided but well-meaning souls.