She sees in him "a nice, well-meaning young man."
The judges who rendered this decision were well-meaning men.
"Too fair a day to talk of foibles and war and the evil that well-meaning men can do."
Do you come at least with a troop of well-meaning if inexperienced men?
I was merely an ordinary well-meaning man, forced by circumstances into doing the work of Providence.
You must, in fact, recognize that we were created by a wise, well-meaning man, to fulfill an imperative human need.
However, the king treated him with tenderness, as a well-meaning man, but of a low contemptible understanding.
Conceivably the combination of two well-meaning men could serve to continue the Union as Washington had managed all alone.
Eric is a kind, well-meaning man who loves his children.
Her most frustrating time, though, was with the sociologist, a well-meaning man named Meyer.