It is a beautiful, well-maintained trail through a fragile ecosystem and will remain that way for decades precisely because of the restrictions and fees.
Alternatively, they can reach the Königsstuhl on foot in about 45 minutes on a well-maintained hiking trail.
We hiked for two hours on a well-maintained trail to a waterfall, where we had a swim and made ourselves lunch with food we'd bought in Dangriga.
Shortly after the interview we were out again for three weeks of hard trekking along a wide and well-maintained trail.
The scenic, well-maintained trail allows horseback riding between Vienna and Purcellville.
Mount Verstovia is accessible by a well-maintained public trail that, through a number of switchbacks, arrives at the top.
The well-marked, well-maintained trail passes to the south and east of Midday Pond ascending the west side of the mountain.
Dar led her back out onto the porch in the fading twilight and about a hundred feet along a well-maintained trail.
The canyon features falls and stream pools with a well-maintained trail.
Visitors may park at either the top or the base of the falls; a well-maintained trail, including over 600 steps, connects those two points.