Night driving should be avoided if possible, especially outside well-lit urban areas.
But most say the best reading conditions are in a well-lit area with a generous focused pool of light.
Despite the late hour, the two teenagers - both dark skinned - met in a well-lit area outside a closed food store.
She would drive down to street level and call for a radio car from the well-lit area near the attendant's booth.
The cafeteria of the university is a spacious and well-lit area that can hold 250 students at any time.
Always drive to a well-lit and populated area before making repairs or exchanging information.
As with other destinations, visitors are encouraged to remain in well-lit areas at night.
Park in well-lit areas and do not pick up strangers.
A well-lit area at least 10 feet long is needed for the distance vision test.
Additionally, its well-lit area provided a perfect place for exhibitions and performances.