In 1993, he adopted an unpronounceable glyph as his name, ignoring warnings that he was jettisoning the equivalent of a well-known trademark.
The new chip is emblematic of co-branding, the process by which one company pays a fee or royalties to license a well-known brand-name trademark belonging to another.
"Bacardi is a well-known trademark, but it doesn't have good distribution outside of North America."
Exercising Ingenuity highlights well-known trademarks, iconic innovations, and amazing artifacts that have helped change the way Americans have thought about themselves, their weight, and their appearance.
The studio's closing logo, a triangle enclosing a thunderbolt, was also a well-known trademark.
The company's well-known trademark consists of his linked initials.
Since then the trademark Phoenix, one of the first top-ten well-known trademarks in China, has been registered in 104 countries.
Although his books often have a serious existential focus, a devilish sense of humor is perhaps his most well-known trademark.
His well-known trademark was always taking off his glasses at the end of each bulletin.