He became a well-known maker of optical and mathematical instruments.
One package of pills came from Cipla, a well-known Indian pharmaceutical maker.
Mistral Inc., a well-known maker of sailboards, agreed to let Defender display its product after seeing the store.
The prices paid for decoys by well-known makers - as well as some whose creators are unknown - have soared.
They were usually produced by the well-known makers, such as G & J Weir.
Eastman Kodak is a well-known maker of photo and printing products.
He was to become a well-known maker of quadrants and compasses.
Rod Millet, the son of a well-known maker of biscuits, returns to the museum where he spent his adolescence retreating from the world.
That company, a well-known maker of hand-held computers, said it believes he has breached that agreement.
They know that, but perhaps one well-known American maker of tape - magnetic and adhesive - has found a new ploy.