Several well-known Palestinian commanders are keeping a lower profile now, out of fear that they will be chosen for attack.
He said 11 of the attackers had been killed - although provincial officials had the bodies of only three - including a well-known commander, Mullah Baqi.
Similarly, well-known insurgent commanders or terrorists are not redacted, but the names of lower-level figures are.
Both of the camp's most well-known commanders, Richard Baer and Rudolf Höss, are visible in the photographs.
The other was not destined for the life of a magus, but has become quite well-known as a most effective Mirror Lancer battle commander.
Nearly all well-known Soviet commanders became recipients of the Order of the Red Banner.
But these small boats were also very successful and other well-known commanders including Hardegen, Kretschmer and Lüth won their first successes in them.
Atta Muhammad Yalani, 50, had come to look for his brother, a well-known anti-Taliban military commander.
This past year, two other well-known commanders, Ismail Khan and Rashid Dostum, re-entered the fray, but they had yet to make much of an impact.
His nephew, Sir Nathaniel Dance (1748-1827), was a well-known commander of British East India Company ships.