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The son of a border farmer, he became steward and amanuensis to Walter Scott, and was the author of a well-known ballad, Lucy's Flittin.
The well-known ballad "The Raven King" describes just such an abduction.
Boiestown is the setting for Peter Emberley, a well-known traditional ballad and the favourite lumbering song of New Brunswick.
La Pastourelle was a well-known ballad by the cornet player Collinet.
In 1983 Metalmorfosis, their third studio album also recorded in London, was released and contained, amongst many other tracks, the well-known ballad "Siempre estáis allí".
On "I'll Be Easy to Find," she draws on musical theater, rhythm-and-blues, and well-known ballads.
"On Top of Old Smoky" is a traditional folk song and a well-known ballad of the United States.
The well-known narrative ballad of "John Henry" is usually sung in at an upbeat tempo.
Versions of well-known traditional/medieval ballads make up the main part of their repertoire, but the band has written an increasing share of original material in recent years.
He began with a well-known ballad and followed with one of the newer songs that had come east to Ciaron from Rathane.