Once he found her so-- well, he did not pretend to be anything more or less than a reasonably well-intentioned young man.
"But I found these outside," the well-intentioned man yells back waving a pair of sunglasses.
"The mayor is a very softhearted, well-intentioned man who desperately wanted development for the city," he said.
They were intelligent, well-intentioned young men, like their master, but they did not know the ways of the world.
It was appalling how the money slipped through the fingers of a well-intentioned man.
When She was twenty years old, a marriage proposal was made to her by an honest and well-intentioned young man.
For generations, indeed for more than two centuries, well-intentioned, virtuous men and women have served our state well.
Can a well-intentioned man who becomes politically corrupt be a hero of the reader's imagination?
Now, these traitors are probably just well-intentioned men, most likely members of Bennell's staff, who simply believe the public should be informed.
It was a revolutionary concept, and there were some who thought the man well-intentioned, certainly, but nonetheless cuckoo.