The liberal arts background is intended to help the student become a concerned and well-informed citizen as well as to enrich his or her personal life.
It's takes more than the three R's to have effective schools graduating well-informed young citizens.
Whether we are Democrats, Republicans or independents, we all can agree that democracy depends on well-informed citizens.
Today's well-educated, well-informed citizen is capable and desirous of participating in political decisions to a greater extent man the present representative system permits.
The old man sounded more like a medieval serf than a well-informed citizen of a democracy.
The article recognizes the importance of political education to the well-informed citizen, and forbids political activity within schools.
But clearly some patients are well-informed citizens or even experts in their own illnesses (Macintyre and Oldman 1977).
He wants to be a good, well-informed citizen with a keen awareness of his past.
I think I'd like to find out who this well-informed citizen is.
However, to be able to implement it at a local, national, regional and global level, we need the support of well-informed citizens.