Some of the most colorful pages of "Stalin's Apologist" concern the lush bohemianism enjoyed by foreign correspondents and a clique of well-heeled Soviet citizens in the early years of the supposedly egalitarian Bolshevik state.
The daguerreotype, an early version of photography, though invented in Europe, was a huge hit in the United States, and you can see why in these extraordinary pictures of a country's political and intellectual elite and its well-heeled citizens.
His job brings him repeatedly to the doorways of Tehran's well-heeled, Westernized citizens, who often treat him as if he were invisible.
But when Paterson's mills closed and its well-heeled citizens fled to the suburbs, the Eastside neighborhood declined.
According to G.M.'s plan, there will soon be thousands of well-heeled French citizens rolling through the tonier arrondissements of Paris behind the leather-wrapped steering wheels of gleaming new Sevilles, and tens of thousands more Cadillac owners motoring across Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa and the Caribbean.
The only potential buyers are foreigners and a handful of privileged or well-heeled citizens.
Another well-heeled citizen told of being brought to the colonel's White House office and receiving a private one-to-one briefing with all the trimmings: official wall map of Nicaragua, information so vital that it was known to few persons outside that room and must never be divulged to anyone else.
While Hangzhou's well-heeled citizens often took to the water to escape summer heat, boats also served as the equivalent of pay-by-the-hour motels for assignations, which may be the story here.
That can only lead to unequal access to care, where well-heeled and well-informed citizens are able to choose the best care available in the EU, whilst the rest would have to make do with services that are already weakened in many Member States, and which this directive is by no means designed to improve.