From newly-founded schools to well-established ones, Woodlands has several top educational institutions in the northern region.
Being associated with an enoteca is likely more beneficial to smaller, not too well-known producers than to large or well-established ones.
When the new seed catalogues arrive, seek out those new vegetable and annual cultivars (or even some of the well-established ones) that have been bred for disease-resistance.
Ms. Wilson plans to pair unknown artists with well-established or prominent ones, like Laurie Anderson.
The majority of these offer out-patient services while the few well-established ones offer both.
Green Cactus, with its 15 or 20 high seats and formica tables, at 1099 Route 25-A (751-0700), is still relatively new to Long Island, but there are two well-established ones in California.
The more sophisticated falsificationist realizes the inadequacy of this and recognizes the importance of the role played by confirmation of speculative theories as well as the falsification of well-established ones.
Triple-subject courses are relatively rare, although some well-established ones exist [philosophy, politics and economics (PPE) and arguably classics].
The really insidious and mischievous phrases are the well-established ones that come to mind unbidden because we have heard them so often.
New scientific papers are more likely to cite well-established ones.