It's that all well-educated workers, even those at the top, are at much greater risk of economic reversals than they used to be.
Indeed, the constant turnover in today's job market is exciting for many young, well-educated workers.
"Industry gets a well-educated, highly trained and very productive worker."
The traditional American high school, as conceived a century ago, was never meant to produce well-educated workers in the numbers required by today's economy.
We've had too many well-educated workers in recent years.
"For long-term national security, well-educated workers - and not just weapons and bombers - are crucial," the release continues.
Colombia has enjoyed a strong entrepreneurial class and a force of well-educated workers, Mr. Terry said.
Building a modern, knowledge-based economy is not possible without young, well-educated workers.
He said sharp inequalities between the well-educated, well-paid workers and those at the bottom of the pay scale "spells a breakdown somewhere down the line."
A forecasted shortage of well-educated workers is adding urgency to the issue.