In a decade, four high-rises have been built in the area as housing for some 20,000 well-educated professionals.
The 2006 census gives the population of Northland as approximately 2,500 the majority of whom are well-educated professionals and their families.
Washington is not responsible for the job squeeze among baby boomers or the increased earnings of well-educated professionals.
He attributed the gain to market research studies completed in March that showed the paper is read by wealthy, well-educated professionals.
A lot of well-educated professionals, attracted by a town that's amenity-rich and very comfortable to live in.
He received many commissions from wealthy merchants, well-educated professionals and local aristocrats.
The government is reasonably tolerant of well-educated professionals online.
The district, which expects 1,800 students at the high school by 2001, spends a healthy $8,782 for each pupil and is a community of many well-educated professionals.
Poland had a small middle and upper class of well-educated professionals, entrepreneurs, and landowners.
The party is supported predominantly by young, well-educated, urban professionals.