Rhodes James said he saw well-connected people go white when they heard that Channon had kept a journal.
And some here fear that the problem goes unresolved because well-connected people who would have the power to demand change simply fly to Houston for medical attention.
There was a group of seemingly sophisticated, well-connected people, and they sort of said: 'We're smart!
Moreover, the report says, the gap between globally well-connected and unconnected peoples is likely to grow even faster given the technology explosion.
He defined that network of prominent, well-connected people as "the Establishment," explaining:
"And the feeling was that well-connected people could help."
Is seems axiomatic that all well-heeled, well-connected people must at some point travel to India and return with inspired fashions.
In other words, no one is really sure what any of this means, other than some well-connected people playing softball.
But he did exchange regular letters with knowledgeable and often well-connected people in other capitals, so his advice could be current with events.
Over time these and other well-connected people lobbied for Sandberger's early release.