The well-connected businessman was interior minister in the early 90's.
In that maelstrom, he and a handful of other well-connected Russian businessmen quickly became rich.
Yet that requires that local officials, government-backed companies and well-connected businessmen give up power and profits.
Loans for shares was riddled with cozy deals that put well-connected businessmen in control of key Russian industries at fire-sale prices.
Some say that in a nation where black unemployment is about 40 percent and laborers may earn $12 a day, the deals mainly enrich well-connected businessmen.
Within a few months, he also began reappearing at his regular lunch spot, the Four Seasons restaurant, with an assortment of well-connected businessmen.
He was considered to be one of the most well-connected and powerful businessmen in Sri Lanka prior to his retirement.
"We're completely exposed," a well-connected Saudi businessman said.
In tandem, Mr. Bloomberg has moved to highlight his record as a successful and well-connected businessman.
Two of them are very wealthy men in their own right, the rest are the sons of wealthy, well-connected businessmen.